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Taipei Medical University – Wan Fang Hospital was established in 1997 as Taiwan’s first publicly owned, privately operated hospital. It passed the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Medical Center accreditation in 2003, which is the first Taiwanese Medical Center receiving this title within 7 years on establishment. In 2008, Wan Fang Hospital received the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation. Together with the Wan Fang AI and Biotech Center, Wan Fang Biodesign would leverage its strong academic background and strong link to the community to create innovative medical devices and digital health solutions.


TMUH Biodesign and Biodesign Jr.
Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH) was founded in 1976, providing patient-centered comprehensive medical services with over 800 beds, 39 specialty/subspecialty medical departments and 2000 medical staffs. TMUH was accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) since 2009. 
Together with the TMU i-College’s Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Center, the TMUH provide Biodesign training to both its medical staff (through TMUH Biodesign) and students (through Biodesign Jr.).

Shuang-Ho Biodesign

Taipei Medical University - Shuang-Ho Hospital is located in Zhonghe District of New Taipei City, very close to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Opened on July 1st 2008, Shuang-Ho Hospital is the third affiliated hospital of Taipei Medical University. Shuang-Ho Biodesign aim to promote innovation that benefits the community in the Zhonghe and Yonghe district.



BioMed Accelerator

The TMU BioMed Accelerator is Taiwan's first international medical university-based accelerator. Digital health, artificial intelligence, and medical device startups selected by the accelerator have the privilege to went through a Biodesign innovation process-inspired acceleration program. The accelerator also has a startup mentorship program supported by The Stanford Biodesign Global Faculty alumni.


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Want to join the accelerator program? Need clinical collaboration resources? Commercialization of biomedical products and services? Feel free to contact us with an application.

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