The Boston-based company announced Monday that it had received 510(k) clearance from the FDA for its Caries Assist, software that uses #AI to aid dentists in detecting cavities. In May last year, #Overjet received FDA clearance for AI-powered technology used in the diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. #Overjet 位於波⼠頓的公司宣佈,它的軟體已經獲得了美FDA 510(k)許可,該軟體使⽤⼈⼯智慧來幫助⽛醫發現更多的蛀⽛ Overjet的Caries Assist 是⽤來減少遺漏的蛀⽛率 為了證明其 #有效性,該軟體分析了7000多個⽛⿒表⾯ ⽛醫能夠將準確檢測出蛀⽛的⽐率提⾼約三分之⼀(32%)
